Sunday, October 14, 2012

Perception of Pain

    Everyone, whether we want to admit it or not has experienced some sort of pain and although I cannot speak for everyone, I sometimes think that life would be so much easier if we were not able to experience it.  In my opinion physical pain is not nearly as difficult to endure as emotional pain.  However, anyone who truly cares about another person tries to reduce any sort of pain whether it be physical or emotional in people who are important to them. 
     The dictionary defines pain as physical distress, as due to injury/illness, or an upsetting sensation in a particular part of the body, or mental/emotional suffering or torment.  Yet in my Biopsychology book pain is not as clear cut, in fact it seems like such a paradox.  For instance, there is no special stimulus for pain, it is more of a reaction to potentially dangerous stimulation of any sort.   In reality pain has no obvious cortical illustration,  studies have shown that it differs from person to person, and being that each person is unique in their own way it makes sense that we all experience pain in different areas and ways.  "The anterior cingulate cortex appears to be involved in the emotional reaction to pain rather than to the perception of pain itself" (Panksepp, 2003;Price, 2000).  By reading the statement above I can only assume that the anterior cingulate cortex is damaged, but I am not willing to put my hand in the fire for it.  Nevertheless, the rare condition in which people cannot feel pain is called congenital insensitivity to pain and for those who ever wished that they could not feel pain, or that their loved ones could not feel pain I encourage you to watch the touching video below.                       


  1. That's just crazy, not being able to feel pain. I don't think I'd be able to do it. That video went extremely well with your blog. I honestly think that whole family is amazing being able to deal with that issue.

  2. Hereditary sensory autonomic neuropathy. I remember this from Grey’s Anatomy! It’s really scary not feeling pain because I see it as a warning system of our body. I watched something once and it said to feel pain is to feel alive. I would imagine that pain all the time isn’t fun, but feeling it when we are hurt or even when something terrible happens to us, is what keeps us well. I can’t imagine being Gabby or even her mother. It must be scary to always be worried about your child injuring themselves to a deadly point and them not even bringing it up because it was no big deal to them. Imagine all the scraped knees and elbows that normal parents sooth their children from getting and how Gabby’s mom never really had that experience with her. It just amazes me that such a disease exists and it’s so rare that not much is known about it.

  3. I never even knew that you couldn't feel pain! I thought everyone felt pain until I saw this video. At first it sounds like a good thing not being able to feel pain but after watching this video now I know why it is good to feel pain. This little girl has gone through a lot no doubt but I'm interested to see how she handles it as an adult. As a kid you don't know any better you think it's normal to not feel pain. But as an adult you would have to understand that there is something I think.
