Sunday, October 21, 2012


"I think anything that has to do with sexuality makes people very interested"  -Catherine Deneuve

Most would not argue with the quote above.  I believe that by nature anything that has to do with sex interests us.  Sex is a very broad topic.  Sex can refer to gender/structural difference, behavior dependent on the differences, the act of coitus, or the instinct/attraction of drawing one sex to another.  Of this broad topic, the specific subtopic of sexual orientation captured my attention.  I suppose the reason that this particular area got my attention is that nowadays everyone and their mother's seems to be gay.  (Before I go further I would like to let it be known that I have absolutely nothing against homosexuals, on the contrary my best friend is gay).  Anyway, times have changed and so have people, and apparently so have sexual preferences.  From what I can recall encountering, or hearing of someone who is a homosexual was not very frequent, and my guess is that it has to do with the fact that it was  highly frowned upon.  Therefore, people felt that they had to keep it a secret.  In this day and age being gay has gained acceptance and it is not an uncommon thing to come across.  Which makes me wonder, are there more gay people because there is more approval? 

There have been many studies attempting to find out why or what exactly 'makes' people gay.  Some of these studies involve trying to find out if it is genetic, looking at the levels of sex hormones in both heterosexuals and homosexuals, differences of the brain, the fraternal birth order effect, and the maternal immune hypothesis.  Of all the studies, researches conducted, and hypotheses tested there is still no definite answer or conclusion as to why people are gay or what 'makes' them gay.
Nevertheless, no gown, no gavel. 
(Although this video seems to be that of persuasion that is not my intention.  I just think it goes well with my blog, and its cute)




  1. Haha, that video was pretty cute and did go well with your blog. I liked how at the end of the video the guy was still unconvinced that being "gay" wasn't a choice. I kinda agree with him in the fact that it just may be a choice for some people to be homosexual, yet science shows that in some it may not be a choice. My sister always says that she doesn't believe in being gay, how it simply is a person that either wants to try something new or is bored. And I always tell her, "You know you can't ignore science forever."

  2. People being gay is more accepted thus resulting in more people being gay is a good argument. I would argue that it's true!
    I understand where you're coming from. In today's age, the glamorization of being gay some times makes me wonder if being a homosexual is just a trend in our society. Although, I don't believe this to be true.. I do think it's something social psychologists could look at it.

  3. Awesome quote! You're right there is a lot more gay people than there was when I was growing up. It is something that is now accepted. There's even famous people that admit they are gay and gay people look up to them. I think being gay is more of a choice than anything.

  4. Haha! I love the video! It is so cute and I like the way it basically gives you all the myths/ why people think gays are gay. The times have changed and although not everyone accepts gays, it has become more acceptable in today’s society. Sexuality is such a broad topic and no matter whether gay or straight, male or female everyone has something to do with it, which is why I think it interests everyone. For me, homosexuality vs. heterosexuality has become and interesting topic because people insist we’re so different, but are we really?
