Monday, November 12, 2012

ADHD is a psychiatric disorder!

         Roman comic dramatist Titus Maccius Plautus once said, “Patience is the best remedy for every trouble”.   However, what if the trouble is patience itself?  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterized as a constant pattern of impulsiveness, inattention, and lack of patience. 
It seems to me as if more and more children are getting diagnosed with this disorder.  Which really interests me, (at times it makes me wonder if it could have anything at all to do with the way parenting styles have evolved).  For example the symptoms on criteria A in the DSM IV fails to give close attention to details, for instance, difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities, does not seem to listen, does not follow through or not completes tasks, difficulty organizing tasks, loses things, easily distracted, forgetful, fidgets, difficulty remaining seated, and talks excessively.  I know I am not the only one who can agree that as a child all my parents had to do was give me the look, and any of that behavior would disappear (haha).    
            Nonetheless, for most this is a true diagnosis (there are even brain scanning images, like the one below, that show how ADHD affects the prefrontal cortex).  Upon diagnosing the best approach to cope is a combination of medication and therapy.  This of course will take patience, not only from the patient but from family and friends.   “Patience is the best remedy for every trouble” - Titus Maccius Plautus.                


  1. I like how you opened your blog with the quote and than challenged it. Honestly, I think that lately the title ADHD is being given to children too loosely. I know that may sound a bit harsh, but I know a few people that were diagnosed with ADHD when we were kids, so the school and society treated them as ADHD kids, but once they got into high school/college it was if nothing was wrong with them to being with because now they could express themselves more freely without being called out. Also you're right, my parents too, would give me "the look" when I got too crazy in public and I would stop everything I was doing and just sat there. Great blog:D

    1. You are so right about the title ADHD being used too loosely. The other day I was talking with some friends and it's true: a lot of disorder titles get used too loosely. Like when we say things like "I'm OCD" after you did something normal like clean all the dishes and made sure they were clean. Or someone feels sad, just sad and not even really stressed, but jokingly or maybe seriously say that they're depressed but aren't really at all.
      It's funny. I find that all these "disorders" are natural for us all but I guess it depends on the extent of the disorder.

  2. Yes, I'm sure that having a child with ADHD can be tiring and does require a lot of patience. I can totally relate: my little brother is autistic. My family and I used to always be on edge and worried that he would brake something or his hyperactivity would bother someone else. Now we are so used to it that it's not a problem.. and it may be just that.. patience.
    I loved the theme of this blog post. Good job!

  3. Patience is partly to blame, I believe. In our world today, a lot has changed to how it was 20 years ago even 10 years ago. I feel like nowadays we want everything now and when kids aren’t cooperating and acting like “little adults” its because something is “wrong” with them. With those symptoms, it’s a surprise that all kids aren’t diagnosed with ADHD! Difficulty paying attention, completing tasks, fidgeting, and most kids do these things on normal bases. I know as a kid I was always moving around and curious about everything until something new and shiny came along. It’s just being a kid and then we outgrow it and move forward with our lives. I’m not saying it’s not an actual disorder, but I think we’ve gotten to the point where we just want to diagnose everything when sometimes all we need is time.

  4. If I were to follow the DSM then every kid I know would have ADHD. Kids are full of energy and need to let it out but parents now a days are to lazy to discipline their kids the right way. Instead of getting them involved in sports such as little league baseball or pee wee football that way they can put their energy into that, they just give them a pill to calm them down. i was involved in all these things as a kid and I would be exhausted from games or practice. All of my energy would go to that instead of being all fidgety in a classroom. People need to start being good parents and stop relying on medication!
