Saturday, November 3, 2012

Voluntary Control of Facial Expression

"Control your emotion or it will control you" -Anonymous  

            It is universal knowledge that most can exercise voluntary control over facial muscles, thus, making it possible to inhibit true facial expressions and to replace those true facial expressions with phony ones.  Although this was not new found information it was a realization, something that I had not readily thought about before.  Now I find myself thinking, "what if we did not have voluntary control over our facial expressions".  
           Would we save more time and money? (By not having to go through a court process, we would know if a crime was committed just by asking and seeing the expression).  Would we find true love more easily and not waste time with unfaithful/lying spouses? (After all, we would know if they were lying, and if they truly loved us by their true facial expression).  There are so many possibilities to not being able to hide true feelings through facial expression.    Although I admit that there are positive reasons to choose to put on a false expression, such as a fake smile to comfort an upset friend, the negative reasons to put on a fake expression outweigh the positive reasons (such as, but not limited to, the examples above).     
            I cannot speak for everyone, but I am a very reserved person, therefore, I do not like to show emotion, whether the emotion be negative or positive.  I suppose it makes me feel vulnerable, and invites people to inquire about my thoughts, feelings, views...etc.  So I suppose it is a good thing that we can mask emotions, although I am sure I have some of you thinking about the possibilities haha. 
       Check out this cool video to learn about some of the possibilities... =)      


  1. Very nice quote at the start and the video at the end was very interesting. My mom has always said to me and my sisters that lying to her was impossible because she could see beyond our words. For the longest time I never understood what she meant but now it makes complete sense. I think that no matter how much we try to show no emotion we always slip like the guy in the video or even our eyes give us away. Great blog btw:D

  2. I wish it would be that easy to just look at someones facial expressions and see how they really felt! Girls have wayyyy more expressions than guys and its annoying and confusing for us guys -_- Guys dont show as much emotion as girls. A girls single facial expression can mean like 10 emotions.

  3. Whether we are from the northern hemisphere or the southern we have 7 emotions. I find it really weird that they’re only 7. How can all types of happy be just happy? Maybe there’s a scale from just happy to extreme bliss. The video was amazing and left me wanting to know more. I normally wouldn't have picked up on the A. Rod cue of him technically nodding yes but saying no. I feel like maybe we don’t pay close attention to the subtle signs of the body and maybe we would cut through all the confused emotions if someone could just detect them for us although maybe, that would just leave us more confused.

  4. I think that's so crazy about our emotions and how we interact with people socially. It's incredible how much facial expression can convey in regard to emotion. I had never thought of holding back all facial expression. I've tried an experiment myself where I went a whole hour without smiling and it. was. hard.
